Sunday 5 February 2012

It's a Timing Thing

I was sitting in my room spending time with God and read Ecclesiastes 3. I began writing in my journal and felt like I was supposed to share it on here.

Ecclesiastes 3

Timing is everything. Not just timing, but GOD'S timing. It sounds like we're giving up total control, which is exactly what we're doing. For the control freaks out there, this concept could be a bit scary. It's easier to think about with the approach that God is the expert and we're merely amateurs. We know nothing on the subject and yet we keep trying to control it. He has everything planned out for us. Honestly we should stop planning out our life because God trumps all of it. We might get upset when things aren't going according to plan but whose plan are we really following?

God's been teaching me a lot through dance recently. It's my time to break out and dance for those that can't feel enough joy in their lives to dance and express it. Just as it says in verse 4, there is "a time to mourn and a time to dance." For those who are stuck in a time of mourning, it's OK. See, the beautiful thing about God is that he puts us all in different spots on the path of life. So you may be in a time of mourning but I'm in a time of dancing, and I'm dancing for you. I'm dancing for those that don't have the energy to break off the hold that has them in the valley. We are a family for a reason, to help each other up. Don't be afraid to share your problems with your fellow brothers and sisters, because we're here to listen to you and walk with you and pray for you and to simply love you.

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